My Hearing Aid - a Connevans Limited website
How do I update my details?
You can edit any of your user details by visiting the My Account page (you will find a link at the top of the website). Once you are logged in you can update your details and look at any saved or unfinished orders. You can directly access the My Account page by
clicking this link.
I have forgotten my username (and/or password!) what do I do?
Not a problem, choose login (located at the top of the site), choose ' I don't know what my password is..' and enter your email address. We will then send a new password to the registered email address. The email address is your username.
You can use your new password to login, you may then
change your password to something easier to remember. You can do this by visiting the 'My Account' link located at the top of the site.
How does the DeafEquipment website cope with older browsers?
The site degrades to what we call "unstyled" when using older browsers that don't support modern web standards and/or are buggy, which includes IE5.X for the Mac and Netscape 4 on anything. We advise later than IE 8+, basically the newer the better.